mmbebel suda.. hehe..
Friday, 4 March 2011 | 2 comment(s)
hehe,, hrinie my besties dtg jgak akhirnye..
mmg kecoh la klas kiteorg dibuatnye,,
ditambah plak dgn zi ZHARFAN tu..
lgi la,, mmg kecoh la klas kiteorg hrinie..
skit2 JAYUSAH,, skit2 BAKAR,,
penat tau aq dgr korang asyik gado je..
tpi x pe.. sebgai seorg kwn yg baik,, aq layan je la..
(ayat x bole skema lgi ke ape??) haha..
ape citer aq ngan uhibbuki??
mcm tu je la,, still blom baik lgi.. huhu..
nmpak die pon wat dun know je..
wat mcm x nmpak die je kn.. haha..
siot je aq nie kn.. bkn slah aq,, die yg start dlu..
x psal2 je nk mrah kt org.. sedey tau x??
exam is next week??!! OMG!!
mcm x caye je exam dh dkt..
just around the corner tu..
study aieshah,, study!!
chaiyo aieshah!! chaiyo2!! haha..
*to all my friend,, study okay,, n
get perfect score okay.. wish me luck too.. ^_^
hehe.. aieshah,, suda2..
ko dh mmbebel byk sgt nie..
penat org nk bce nnti.. haha..
okay la,, that's all 4 today..
hope to hear from u soon..
bye2.. ^_^